Strategic initiatives, new systems and operational improvements often fail to deliver the expected benefits—
​not because they are wrong, but because they do not get implemented effectively.

The Right System process provides a practical way for your organisation's employees to implement the 'right' high-trust MOS for your business. 
Line management can and should lead their teams to do this work
—not as a 'special project', but as part of 'the way we do business'.

Once committed to an implementation, senior and middle management, with consultant assistance, customise the process based on
a self-assessment of your existing MOS and business needs. This ensures focus on business imperatives, gets the best out of what exists now and adds just what is required. Together, your employees then design, build and put the 'right' MOS into practice, following a set of standard tasks that they adapt to be right for your business. Your ‘right’ MOS will then sustain evolution to a high-trust workplace of excellence. 

​Implementing a MOS this way develops the essential feature of it being used for purpose by everyonewhich unlocks the prize when all employees choose to engage and invest their discretionary effort.

​The system is modular, so if you wish to target or prioritise specific improvements (e.g. planning or problem solving), rather than implement a full MOS, you can select and complete a subset of tasks.

Implementation Process

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The implementation process develops structures, systems and behaviours that enable employees to collaboratively achieve effective, reliable and continuously improving outcomes, using techniques of:

  1. Strategy deployment   

  2. Practical planning   

  3. Practical problem solving   

  4. High trust. 

Coupled with each of these techniques are the behaviours that provide the catalyst to convert a MOS from a system to a culture—i.e. ‘the way we do things around here’. For these catalyst behaviours to be adopted by choice, the key stakeholders in each area of your business must be involved in developing and implementing your MOS. The Right System process provides the means to achieve this.

The process succeeds because of:

  1. Visibility – At all times, you can see whether you are achieving what you set out to do

  2. Simplicity – You can explain it and do it, while still doing your usual work

  3. Learning by discovery and doing – Your employees learn at just the right time to take each step and, in taking that step, learn how to sustain the gains

  4. Your passion and ownership – Your own team leading and managing the process to meet your business needs.

The steps in the implementation sequence above are detailed in workbook-format tasks. Each task is accompanied by the necessary templates, examples, guidelines and audit tools to enable your employees to learn by discovery as they do the tasks. 

Learn more about these tasks and tools >>

The Right System